In some companies the CEO now uses a variety of channels to achieve presence: the intranet, CEO blogs, email, and even personal meetings like CEO breakfasts or on-site visits.
Our world is becoming increasingly transparent, which makes it imperative to establish an open and transparent feedback culture. Employees want to be included, and to know what is happening in the company. It is equally important from the company's perspective to speak openly about visions and strategies, to turn employees into stakeholders, and to empower them to help shape the success of the company. This dialog creates identification and commitment, and impacts positively on employer branding.
Put succinctly, internal communication means: WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHEN?
All the same, these simple words stand for clear planning within your internal communication activities, and they demand hard work and discipline. This is frequently a tricky challenge, especially in international companies whose workforces consist of employees from a broad variety of cultural backgrounds, who speak different languages, and who work across a number of time zones.
Our services
- We support you in the design and implementation of your internal communication strategy and in the provision of suitable instruments
- We design and implement innovative communication forums on your behalf, whether they involve CEO breakfasts, learn@lunch, HR blogs, employee forums, company journals or online news
- We define communication channels, process owners, and stakeholder groups
- On request, we can accompany your projects from the analysis and concept phases of an internal communication strategy right through to implementation; alternatively, we can even control your creative agency
- We apply integrative and holistic methods to link your internal communication with other HR processes such as onboarding, employee engagement or employer branding