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«A tree has roots in the soil yet reaches to the sky. It tells us that in order to aspire we need to be grounded and that no matter how high we go, it is from our roots that we draw sustenance.»
Wangari Maathai, Professor, environmental activist, politician & Nobel Peace Prize winner
The year 2025 has arrived and we wish you a happy, successful and above all healthy new year!

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Pichler & Partner joins Career Star Group as exclusive Swiss representative
We are excited to announce that Pichler & Partner will join, as the exclusive Swiss representative, the Career Star Group, the global leader in local delivery of outplacement, career transition, and redeployment services. This partnership represents a significant milestone for our company and a powerful value-add for our customers and clients in Switzerland.

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Your employability is key!
In a context of constant change in the global economy, the working world must also constantly adapt and be ready to face the challenges of the modern world. Technologies are becoming more and more advanced, regulations are stronger and stricter, competition is getting tougher and professional behaviours and values are evolving significantly with a consequent impact on working methods and conditions.

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«By joining hands, we build bridges.»
Lilli U. Kreßner, Writer, poet, newspaper columnist
The year 2024 is here and we wish you a happy, successful and above all healthy new year!

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«They did not know it was impossible, so they did it.»
Mark Twain
A popular myth from 1930 says that the aerodynamic body of the bumblebee does not enable it to fly. The width of its wings would be too small to keep its huge body in flight. And the bumblebee would fly because it does not know that it cannot fly.

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Es ist bald soweit. Wir freuen uns, Sie auf dem HR Festival Europe, dem grössten Schweizer Event für HR-Professionals begrüssen zu dürfen. Besuchen Sie die Messe Zürich am 31.5. & 1.6.2022 kostenlos, tauchen Sie mit uns in die Welt des HR ein und erhalten Sie wertvolle, spannende Einblicke rund um das Thema Human Resources. Nebst zahlreichen Workshops an der Messe, freuen wir uns darauf, Sie am Pichler & Partner Stand in Halle 3 willkommen zu heissen.

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«We sense that ‘normal’ isn’t coming back, that we are being born into a new normal: a new kind of society, a new relationship to the earth, a new experience of being human.»
Charles Eisenstein, Public Speaker and Author
2022 has arrived and we wish you a happy, prosperous and above all healthy New Year!

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Pichler & Partner in den Medien:
Tages-Anzeiger: «Die erste Pandemiewelle traf die Jungen. Doch zurzeit kommen vor allem Beschäftigte über 50 unter die Räder.»
Die grösste abonnierte Tageszeitung der Schweiz wirft die Frage auf, wie der aktuelle Stellenmarkt für Beschäftigte über 50 aussieht. Zudem befragt er Pichler & Partner, Experte für Out- und Newplacement, nach möglichen Gründen. Aus Erfahrung kommen hier aus Sicht von Andreas Pichler, mehrere Faktoren zusammen.

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Corona hinterlässt tiefe Spuren in Unternehmen. Viele planen Umstrukturierungen und Entlassungen. Outplacement ist dabei ein wichtiges Instrument, um betroffene Mitarbeitende zu unterstützen, der eigenen sozialen Verantwortung gerecht zu werden und das Employer Branding für die Zeit nach Corona positiv zu gestalten.
Ein Gespräch mit Andreas und Cécile Pichler, Inhaber von Pichler & Partner, einem führenden Schweizer Anbieter für Outplacement.

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«Things are never as they are. They are always what we make of them.»
Jean Anouilh
2021 is here and we wish you a happy, successful and above all healthy New Year!

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Home Office ist in vielen Unternehmen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Deren Umsetzung verläuft jedoch selten wunschgemäss.

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Today is the “National Future Day” in Switzerland and the 5th birthday of Pichler & Partner.
We have reached an exciting milestone as our company celebrates 5 years of delivering innovative HR services and solutions to the Swiss market, with the unwavering support of dedicated employees, loyal customers and clients.