«Things are never as they are. They are always what we make of them.»
Jean Anouilh
2021 is here and we wish you a happy, successful and above all healthy New Year!
These are extraordinary times for all of us. Coronavirus, social distancing, working from home, remote leadership, online meetings, short-time work, holidays with masks or Christmas without extended family – these are all considerable changes that have a big impact on our lives and demand a high level of resilience from us all.
The red poppy in the wheat field shows us what resilience means. Despite adverse circumstances, it manages to find a place in the sun, to bloom and show off its full beauty.
We too support people every day, helping them to cope with difficult situations, to stay optimistic, find solutions, use networks and shape the future.
We hope that your 2021 will be full of optimism, strength, endurance, curiosity, passion and power.
A big thank you for the excellent collaboration, the open communication and for your trust.
Your team at Pichler & Partner
Cover: Cécile Pichler, photograph of a red poppy in a wheat field, taken in May 2020