«We sense that ‘normal’ isn’t coming back, that we are being born into a new normal: a new kind of society, a new relationship to the earth, a new experience of being human.»

Charles Eisenstein, Public Speaker and Author

2022 has arrived and we wish you a happy, prosperous and above all healthy New Year!

The current pandemic has compressed years of change into a few months. Digital solutions are more widespread than ever, working in hybrid models has become the new reality for many of us. And it has become clearer than ever how fragile human existence is, and that protecting our health and our environment must be a priority.

Yet, looking back on the past year, we realise that we as people, but also as organisations, are able to respond well and appropriately to all these changes. In our corporate workshops or individual coaching sessions, we learn that while we often have no control over events or circumstances, we do have control over how we react to them and how we deal with them. When a new reality shapes our lives, we cope with it through our individual actions.

Through adaptability, patience, solidarity, resilience and care, we are shaping an agile reaction to this "new normal". Our values guide us to shape the future we want.

We hope that the year 2022 will lead you to sunshine and that it will be full of success, ideas, strength, adventure, joy and excitement.

A big thank you for the excellent collaboration, the open communication and for your trust.

Your team at Pichler & Partner

Cover: Cécile Pichler, On the way into a new day

Click here to see our New Year's Card.